
Libeskind tower, Milan

Libeskind tower, Milan

For the Libeskind Tower, the third (in chronological order) tower of the CityLife district in Milan, also referred to as “the Curved” or PwC Tower, whose construction began in 2015, we were involved in the selection and related supply, which took place between 2018 and 2020, of several products, in particular high-induction linear diffusers.

In order to meet the architectural-functional requirements requested by the client, we performed a series of fluid dynamic analyses, both with CFD software and real at our test room, aimed at demonstrating the proper functioning of a product absolutely customized for the client, named DLHA and derived from the DLPA product with different construction variants (aluminum baffles, supply plenum with different connections, presence of filter with push-push opening system for the return air diffusers, ...).

For the 28 floors of the building, used as executive offices, more than such 4,000 special diffusers were produced and supplied, in addition to other standard DLPAs and various other products (STZ control dampers, EFD fire dampers, SL rectangular silencers, etc.).

Since the building has LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification, the supply standards also had to meet its requirements.

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